Sales lessons from the 'absolutely must read' classic, Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.

Old wisdom still applies today. If you desire more than you have, read this book. The sales lessons it contains can propel you to achieve your aspirations.
In 1908 steel magnate Andrew Carnegie asked a little-known reporter named Napoleon Hill to interview millionaires with a view to discovering the secrets behind their success. Napoleon Hill (1883 to 1970) spent 25 years working on the task. Think and Grow Rich, first published in 1937, was the result.
The fact that this book has remained in print and a major seller for more than seventy years gives an indication of the potency its messages carry.
Since the copyright has expired, this landmark work is now in the public domain. We have prepared a version of the 1937 book for easy on-screen reading by enlarging the text and reducing the width. In addition, we have added hyperlinks between the chapters and the chapter index. It is available on request.
I first read this book in 1983 and have been back to it several times. I have an audio copy read by Napoleon himself.
In many ways, reading the book is a richer experience because Napoleon invites the reader to take part in more than just thought. Think and Grow Rich entices, nudges, prompts, and demands immediate action and this is quite hard to do while driving or exercising.
The sales lessons and actions are invaluable in all walks of life and none more so for those who would lead.
If you have a sales role working for a business, you may not think of yourself as a leader yet leading is what you must do if you aspire to help customers do what they want to do. Influencing the decisions of those you sell to is leading.
These are my favourite chapters:
Chapter 2. Desire - The Starting Point of All Achievement
Chapter 4. Auto Suggestion - The Medium for Influencing the Sub-Conscious Mind
Chapter 7. Organised Planning - The Crystallisation of Desire into Action
Chapter 15. How to Outwit the Six Ghosts of Fear
Perhaps this book is proof that there is such a thing as a free lunch. On the other hand, if you take up the challenge embedded in Napoleon's work, you may never rest again.
Whether or not you can use the sales lessons in this book, I feel certain that your life will be richer for having read Think and Grow Rich.
Our adapted version of Think and Grow Rich is available on request.
If you need to leverage the sales lessons in Think and Grow Rich, get in touch. Call +44 (0)1392 851500. We will be pleased to learn about your needs and talk through some options. Alternatively, send an email to for a prompt reply or use the contact form here.