Learn to sell and change things for the better.
To be a great salesperson, you don't have to persuade people to buy things they don't want. Instead, help them do what they want to do. Just help people exceed their expectations. Learn to sell and change the world.
Salespeople are change agents. Enable yourself or your team to change the world.
Are you getting the
25% sales enablement upside?
Are you getting the
13% coaching and training upside?
- What do you know and do now?
- What needs improving?
- What don't you know?
- Take this free quiz and find out. No sign-up. See the results on the page in real time.
Should you hire a professional?
Test a plan to find out. No sign-up. Score ten statements for the result.
Selling people on their own ideas seems unnecessary yet it is at the heart of making the world a better place.
How many from any group of ten people are doing what they want to do?
Ask the following question of anyone to find out:
"If you didn't have to work, if you didn't need a job, would you still be doing what you are doing now?"
What do you think the answer would be?
How many people would say, 'yes'?
1 in 10? 2 in 10? 3 in 10 perhaps?
Everything has to be sold.
We often need persuading to do what we want to do.
People change the world by selling.
Sales and Marketing Audit
Are you selling as much as you need to or think you should?
Use our free assessments to diagnose the issues. Follow our guide.
Or have us carry out a comprehensive sales and marketing audit.
Learn to sell and change the world.
Test yourself, team members, teams, plans, or organisation with our free (no sign-up) assessments;
- SDR - BDR - Telesales
- Professional Sales Skills and Habits
- Sales Knowledge Assessment
- Sales Win Predictor
- Sales Management and Leadership
- Sales Motivation
- Sales Organisation and Operation
- Marketing Plan Assessment
- Sales and Marketing Alignment Assessment
- Sales Enablement Assessment
- Test Any Plan
- Presentation and Public Speaking Skills
- Sales Trainer Skills
Telling is not selling. Offering an alternative is not selling. Salespeople need to change the world so that customers benefit from what they sell.
If you know of something that will benefit people or organisations and fail to convince them to act, you are letting them down. Learn to sell and change things for the better.
Entrepreneurs need to change the world for investors so they will fund their ideas. Without funding or volunteers, little can be done.
Business leaders need to change the world for stakeholders, employees, business partners, and customers. A business that fails to deliver value doesn't last long.
Parents need to change the world to nurture their children because they are the future. Without continuous new cohorts of smart, well-grounded, and virtuous adults, we are all doomed.
The greatest idea will do no good if it isn't successfully sold to others.
If you need to change the world, learn to sell like those who change the world.
Most high-profile world changers started from humble beginnings.
There are tens of thousands of people who have made a difference. Their lives, ideas and accomplishments are easy to study.
"The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. The fears are paper tigers. You can do anything you decide to do. You can act to change and control your life; and the procedure, the process, is its own reward." - Amelia Earhart
How Investing in Training and Coaching Can Effect Business Results
In this video Co-Owner of SlipTest, Belinda Bleakley, tells the story of their decision to invest in sales training and coaching to support post-Covid recovery and how it has helped them bounce back, stronger than ever.
Do you need to change the world?
Schedule an informal conversation with Clive Miller or call +44 1392 851500.
If you need to change the world or learn to sell a world-changing idea, we can help. Schedule a sales consultation or call +44 (0)1392 851500. Alternatively, use the contact form here or send an email to jimm@salessense.co.uk.