Evaluate sales skills, knowledge, and training needs with our free sales assessments.

Use our sales assessments to reveal development opportunities, inspire learning, provide training needs analysis, and inform selection.
Free Sales Assessments:
- The Sales Quiz
- Sales Skills and Habits
- SDR/BDR/Telesales
- Sales Knowledge Challenge
- Sales Motivation
- Sales Management Practices
What is training needs analysis for a sales team?
Sales training needs analysis (STNA) for a sales team is a systematic process to identify gaps in skills, knowledge, and abilities that can be addressed through training programs. This analysis helps organisations ensure their sales teams have the competencies required to achieve sales targets and organisational goals. Here's an overview of what it entails:
Start by compiling three lists. 1. What sales team members should know. 2. What they should be able to do. 3. What they should do habitually. Our sales assessments, linked below, can help you compile your lists.
Next assess the knowledge, abilities, and habitual activities of each salesperson. Use sales assessment tests to identify gaps.
It is important to explain your objectives to the sales team and engage them in helping with the process. If you position the exercise correctly, you should get cooperation. Having the right training is in everyone's interests so use sales testing to establish what training is needed.
When you have identified the gaps and prioritised the importance of each gap, you will be in a good position to design sales training or seek an outside provider to fulfil your needs.
Our co-creation sales training process follows these principles. In addition, we can provide one-to-one training so everyone does not need to attend the same courses.
How to assess salespeople?
To assess the abilities of salespeople, start with a competence model that defines what they should know, be able to do, and do habitually.
Once you have listed the knowledge, skills, and practices you can prioritise each list and devise tests for the most important aspects of each category. Our gap assessment tests may be a good place to start. You can use the evidence questions in the Sales Knowledge and Sales Skills assessments to explore capabilities in an interview or use our services to grade or validate sales competence.
Sales Assessments:
Score the sales assessment statements to illuminate opportunities for improvement. Use the on-page instant representation of the data to drive development and improvement initiatives.
- The Sales Quiz
- Sales Skills and Habits
- SDR/BDR/Telesales
- Sales Knowledge Challenge
- Sales Motivation
- Sales Management Practices
Grading or Validation Enhancement
Answer the evidence questions to have sales assessments graded by us or arrange validation via a one-to-one interview. Grading and validation feedback include development recommendations. Verifying individual knowledge, skills, and habits provides documented evidence of sales and sales management abilities. See the details here.
If you need to have a team take one or more of our sales assessments, have us facilitate the process and provide our analysis.
Our sales assessments offer a no-cost means of informing selection, reducing staff turnover, and increasing sales performance. Having us grade or validate results offers a way to test sales candidates, increase assessment test objectivity, and verify results.
Schedule a call to learn more.
Selling Skills Gap Assessment
Benchmark skills and habits against thirty aspects of competence.
Gap assessment tests are completed by scoring a series of statements. No matter how optimistically an assessment is completed, the results reveal strengths and weaknesses.
Our sales skills assessment is aligned with over 100 hyperlinked on-the-job learning actions. The assessment and the complete collection of workplace learning actions are available in the Sales Professionals Toolkit.
Sales Knowledge Challenge
It might seem strange that a general sales assessment test can evaluate the knowledge necessary for a particular selling environment. It is done by listing what should be known rather than the facts. All knowledge can be classified. For example, sales knowledge should include the function, operation, and design of the products, services and solutions.
While anyone can lie about their knowledge, such lies are easily revealed by the question, "What knowledge is the self-assessment based on?"
Any true self self-assessment prompts the acquisition of missing knowledge.
Sales Motivation
Some salespeople are truly motivated by money. Those with this as an intrinsic motivator, usually have a lot of money because they are highly motivated to be good at managing their money.
If you are in sales and think you are money-motivated yet don't have lots of it, think again. Take our work motivators assessment and compare eleven intrinsic motivating factors.
Sales Management Practices
Training or coaching for managers is widely neglected. Those leading teams are mostly left to manage their own learning.
Our sales management practices assessment provides an easily accessible guide for sales management best practices, training needs analysis, and prioritising development opportunities.
Bespoke Solutions
Since gap assessments are not dependent on psychometrics or expert analysis, they are inexpensive to construct. Gap analysis assessments provide a straightforward competency-based evaluation that can be validated through peer, manager, or consultant review.
While the sales assessments above are designed for those who sell technology, software, and technical know-how-based business solutions, we can design gap assessment tests for almost any speciality or aspect competency or help you create your own.
If you are looking for sales assessments, sales skills tests, sales interview questions, or training needs analysis, we can help. Telephone +44 (0)1392 851500 for more information. Alternatively, use the contact form here or send an email to custserv@salessense.co.uk.