Accelerate learning, motivate behavioural change, and adopt new behaviours.

Take this micro course to accelerate learning.
Watch the three videos or read the accompanying transcripts and explore the additional support resources.
Plan how to use what you learn.
1. Use the learning circle to guide rapid learning and accelerate sales performance.
Learning how to learn may seem like a basic objective that everyone acquires in school. Yet rapid learning demands that we recognise the circular nature of the learning process.
Learning has to be used, reviewed, refreshed, and updated if the investment is to be realised.
Transcript of the Learning Circle video
These supporting resources are available on request:
- Responsibilities and Tasks Template
- Self-Directed Learning Preparation Questionnaire
- Learning Questions - Use these questions to test the value of specific knowledge, methods, and skills.
2. Fast learning is best achieved through careful definition of the necessary knowledge, abilities, and behaviours.
If people have a model that clearly describes what constitutes competence in a desired skill, role or discipline, people are motivated to learn. Self-directed fast learning is the natural outcome.
Transcript of the Competence Definition video
Follow these links for associated resources:
3. Use it or lose it. Neglected, new learning is soon forgotten. Eleven strategies for motivating behaviour change.
Acquiring new knowledge, know-how, and skills is just the beginning of the journey. Old ways hinder the adoption of new methods. Motivating behaviour change demands forethought, planning, and preparation.
Transcript of the Learning Motivators video
Some supporting documents are available on request:
- Sales Target Achievement Plan Template
- Work Motivators Review
- Work Motivators in Sales - SWOT
Other resources that help accelerate learning:
Nineteen Easy Ways to Speed Up Learning
How to Read Complete Books in Minutes
How to Make Better Use of Your Brain
If you are looking for ways to increase learner engagement, accelerate learning, or drive behaviour change, we can help. Telephone +44 (0)1392 851500. We will be pleased to learn about your needs or talk through some options. Send an email to for a prompt reply or use the contact form here.