Learn, benchmark, and compare with our sales and marketing assessments.

"Measure twice, cut once." Carpentry wisdom that chimes in all endeavours. Explore and measure skills, habits, and practices with our sales and marketing assessments.
What are your blind spots? What do you know that you don't know? What don't you know that you don't know?
Evaluate sales skills, sales management practices, and sales organisation with straightforward gap assessments.
Score marketing plans and improve teamwork between sales and marketing staff with our free learning assessments.
Find the opportunities for individual, team, department, and organisational improvement.
Free Sales Assessments
- Assess training needs with our sales quiz.
- Score sales skills and habits against thirty statements.
- Assess SDR, BDR, telesales and inside sales skills and competencies.
- Can you win? Use our sales opportunity qualification assessment to score your chances.
- Use the sales knowledge challenge to discover learning opportunities.
- Explore sales motivation factors with our work motivators assessment.
- Benchmark your sales management practices.
- Learn more about our gap assessments from the author.
Sales Organisation and Enablement
Increase sales through organisational adjustments with our Sales Organisation Assessment.
Are you leveraging the sales enablement 25% upside?
Marketing Plan Assessment
Is your marketing operation making full use of the opportunities?
Conduct a review with our Marketing Plan Assessment.
Sales and Marketing Assessment for Alignment

Do your sales and marketing teams work as one?
Friction and divergence are common.
Are there things that you can do to create more alignment and collaboration?
Could you be overlooking easy ways to increase teamwork?
Conduct a review using our Sales and Marketing Alignment Assessment
Other Free Assessments
Assessment Applications and Benefits
- Set new expectations, influence behaviour, and accelerate learning.
- Expand knowledge of best practices.
- Use assessments to improve selection and reduce hiring mistakes.
- Assess training and development needs and use results to structure appraisals.
- Assess and expand checklists for enhanced planning.
- A periodic assessment or review, reveals unseen issues and opportunities.
As time goes by, circumstances and events conspire to unravel plans and undermine initiatives. Plans and operations benefit from periodic independent 'stand back' reviews to identify improvement and realignment opportunities.
Bespoke Assessments
Using a direct, non-psychometric approach to sales assessment means that the tools are easily modified or designed from scratch to support any 'best practice' or competence model.
If you have already defined excellence in your organisation, have us create bespoke assessments that evaluate skills, knowledge, and behaviours against your best practice models.
If you are looking for sales and marketing assessment or sales skills assessment tools, we can help. Telephone +44 (0)1392 851500 or use the contact form here. Alternatively, send an email to jimm@salessense.co.uk.