If you sell consulting or other complex B2B solutions, Let's Get Real or Let's Not Play is a must-read.

I have been listening to Let's Get Real or Let's Not Play. It has been a pleasure. Mahan Khalsa reads his own work. He uses the right emphasis and tonality to make the words dance and his knowledge of consulting sales is immense.
If you read the book or listen to the audio version, like me, you will soon realise that the book represents a sales course delivered by the author. I imagine it is an excellent course. I would say so because it covers much of the material contained in our Advanced Sales Training master class and does so very well indeed.
Sales Library
You don’t need to read on. Just buy a copy. If you want a library containing all the best sales books, this one should be in your collection alongside Solution Selling, SPIN, and The Challenger Sale. There are far too many outstanding sales books to mention here however, no sales library should be without a copy of Mahan Khalsa's Let's Get Real or Let's Not Play.
Since listening to the unabridged audio version, I have bought the book to carry it around and more easily find particular details. I display it together with other favourites when delivering a sales training course.
Consulting Sales ORDER
The book follows the flow of an acronym – ORDER – standing for Opportunity, Resources, Decision, Exact Requirement, and Relationship.
The whole process rests on the title and is underpinned by the mantra, ‘No Guessing’. You will know how hard it is to eliminate the guesswork. Mahan explains it using blow-by-blow examples.
This book fixes a dysfunctional sales process or provides one if you don’t have an effective method already. It teaches salespeople how to help customers succeed even in the face of dysfunctional buying practices.
Let's Get Real or Let's Not Play is essential reading for everyone involved in consulting sales or selling high-value complex business solutions. This book gets my highest recommendation. I wish I had written it.
ISBN 0-446-67598-9
Review by Clive Miller
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