How to bend time to your will and get more done. In Give Me Time, the founders of Mind Gym set a new direction for time management.

Covey coined the phrase, 'sharpen the saw' to label the seventh habit of highly effective people. Perhaps time management is the most difficult saw to sharpen. Give Me Time takes a fresh look at how we experience time, and offers a range of ideas based on a combination of psychology, research, and practical testing to present a truly useful book.
The second chapter offers loads of help for those who don't have the time to read a book so there is a chance that this won't become another tome looking down at you reproachfully from your bookshelf.
A questionnaire helps you rate the value of each chapter so that you can go straight to those that are most important for you.
Solutions for dealing with all types of time sappers offer help for the numerous situations, events, and interruptions that befall people.
As I read through the ideas, I began to recognise opportunities to improve how I have dealt with circumstances that previously I had been simply putting up with. The chapter headed, 'Getting time with time-poor people' is gold dust for those who sell B2B.
Getting to see decision-makers is considered by many to be the most challenging sales task. The book is full of questionnaires and tests that help you assess your particular style of dealing with time through your attitudes, habits and practices. These reveal opportunities to change how you experience time, pressure, and tasks.
If you have a sense that time is getting away from you, or simply that you ought to spend more of it on sharpening the saw, I recommend this book. It is as thought-provoking as it is practical. It offers immediate help to the beleaguered and inspiration for 'heard it all before' time masters.
It's worth the price tag and some, even if you only do the questionnaires.
Give me more time - ISBN 0-316-73169-2
Review by Clive Miller
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