Use sales letters sent by post to stand out and get attention.

Is direct mail marketing the answer to your sales lead generation goals? Explore the possibilities in this guest article from Nigel Temple:
Email marketing is currently all the rage, isn't it? However, as more and more companies join the e-marketing bandwagon, response rates are falling as we become inundated with e-newsletters and e-shots.
Direct Mail Marketing
Another way of generating awareness and response is good old-fashioned direct mail. Yes, this is a relatively expensive way of getting your message across. However, the more important point is: will it deliver the goods? The brief answer to this question is βYesβ, as long as you have the component parts working in harmony.
Begin with segmentation To start with, have you segmented your market? A market segment is a group of people with shared needs. Segmentation is easy to talk about, but difficult to deliver, as it takes deep thought. Once you have cracked it, your direct response marketing will begin to lift off the runway. Clear thinking on segmentation makes it easier to create your mailing list.
The best list will always be your own list, grown and nurtured over time. However, if you need to start afresh, then you may need to talk to a list broker. Their job is to source the right contact names, with the right details and deliver them to you in the right format. As well as list broking companies, there is an increasing number of online list brokers.
The Psychology of Repetition
In order to get your message into long-term memory, it must be repeated seven times. However, direct mail (and most other forms of marketing) only 'get through' a third of the time. Therefore, we must try 21 times (i.e. 3 x 7), in order to get our message across.
Consider for a moment those companies which mail you on a regular basis. If they continue to do it β it must work for them, mustn't it? The chances are that you have bought from them in the past. This means that you are likely to buy from them once again, at some point in the future. The point is that they don't send a few mailers and then give up. They are investing for the long term.
The Envelope
With regard to the envelope, I recommend that you keep it plain. Don't overprint it with a sales message. Don't use a franking machine message (i.e. your logo). As long as it has the recipient's name on it, they've got to open it, haven't they? After all, it might be from the Lottery, announcing that their years of toil are finally at an end!
The AIDCA Model
'AIDCA' stands for Attention, Interest, Desire, Conviction and Action. It is the perfect model for a direct mail letter. Here is the sequence: Attention = The headline Interest = The product or service Desire = A compelling offer Conviction = Proof Action = A call to action! I have used this model countless times in direct response campaigns, with great results.
The Importance of Headlines
The single most important item is the headline. The headline is the gateway to the rest of the letter. A weak headline will torpedo your letter. The headline should be benefit-loaded and hold out the proposition of a better future. If you are writing the copy (i.e. words) for the letter, I suggest that you write between six and twelve different headlines. Show these to other people and get their feedback. Sleep on it and take a fresh look the following day. Believe me, it's worth doing this. Completing the AIDCA model
Don't annoy the reader with a rambling introduction. They want to know what you are promoting and whether it's relevant to them. Therefore, your opening paragraph should get their Interest by describing the product or service. In order to create Desire, describe a compelling offer. By the way, this doesn't have to be a discount (perish the thought!). Can you create a bundled offer perhaps β which includes something of value?
The next step is to create the conviction within the reader's mind that they should respond. You can do this by offering Proof, in the form of testimonials, facts and figures and case studies.
End with a strong call to Action! Don't forget to include at least two different forms of contact. Remember that some people like to call and some people like to write. Therefore, you could end with something like this: 'If you would like to find out more, send an email to or call me on 01628 773128.'
Professional Copywriters
An alternative to writing the letter yourself is to hire a professional copywriter. They come in two flavours. The first type of copywriter has a good command of English and can write clearly. This approach is fine for secondary web pages, leaflets and brochures. Then there are direct-response copywriters. They write compelling copy which generates a river of response. (Guess which category the writer of this article belongs to?)
Post Script
Don't forget to include a PS, in your direct mail letter. For some strange reason, people will scan the headline β and take a peek at the PS. This is a great place to restate your offer.
Direct mail marketing has always been there. It continues to get a response. It's just a question of getting all of the components working together in harmony.
Nigel Temple is an independent marketing consultant, trainer, speaker and author. Visit for your free marketing toolkit. If you would like to discuss direct response marketing, by all means, email or call Nigel on 01628 773128.
If you are looking for direct mail marketing ideas or need to improve one-to-one marketing, we can help. Telephone +44 (0)1392 851500. We will be pleased to learn about your needs or talk through some options. Send an email to for a prompt reply or use the contact form here.