Sales negotiation training course. Learn negotiating techniques that improve sales results, profits, and customer satisfaction.

Master negotiation skills to improve the deal for all parties. Maintain or renew career momentum through this sales negotiation training course.
What sets this sales negotiation training course apart from other similar courses?
- Delivery by the course author.
- The opportunity for one-to-one learning.
- The co-creation of workplace actions for embedding learning in participant routines and habits.
Participants take on workplace assignments in one-to-one or group briefing sessions and reconvene to review results, adjust their approach, and take on their next assignment. Training can be spread over several months or condensed into longer intensive sessions.
Key Takeaways
- Increase profits and customer approval.
- Deflect tricks and ploys easily.
- Turn combative negotiators into collaborators.
- Uncover hidden priorities and agendas.
- Have the other side work on your behalf.
- Test and prove new skills.
- Slash preparation time.
- Lead others to an agreement without compromise.
- Overcome impasse.
Participant Comments
I especially liked the use of hands-on role-play exercises. They added to the realism. Good course with lots of interactivity and breakout sessions. PowerPoint was in small chunks which kept the momentum going throughout. I have attended SalesSense training before. People say you can't teach an old dog new tricks. Not true in my opinion. This was an excellent way to spend 2 days reaffirming what we should be doing on a daily basis.
Programme includes:
- Pre-course questionnaire.
- Pre-work preparation guide.
- Personalised workplace assignments.
- Course materials, tools, and templates.
- Negotiation preparation templates.
- Sales negotiation training exercises.
- Career-long support.
Materials and resources:
- Negotiation skills assessment.
- Self-study guide.
- Accelerated learning report.
- Content slide-decks.
- Countering negotiation tricks and ploys report.
- Persuasive questions white paper.
- Negotiation preparation template.
- Negotiation practice instructions.
Sales Negotiation Training Course Delivery Options
One to One
Learn via sixteen 1-hour or eight 2-hour virtual meetings with the course author.
£1595 - Learn more.
One to One on a per-session basis.
£150 - Learn more.
Via Online Group Training - delivered via eight 2-hour virtual classroom sessions led by the course author.
£6395 for up to fifteen people.
Group Training on a per-session basis.
£450 for up to fifteen people. Learn more.
Fees exclude applicable VAT.
Traditional Classroom
Delivered over one or more days at a conference venue or the customer's offices. Contact us for fees.
We unconditionally guarantee the quality and effectiveness of our services. In addition, we warrant that applying the principles, methods, and practices presented in our materials will lead to a gain in value equivalent to at least five times the fees. Should you decide that our services have not met this guarantee, we will refund your fees promptly and courteously.
Want Something Different? Please Ask:
If you are looking for a sales negotiation training course or ways to maintain profits and customer satisfaction, get in touch. Telephone +44 (0)1392 851500. We will be pleased to learn about your needs or discuss some options. Alternatively, email or use the contact form here.