The benefits of using SalesSense services to increase sales effectiveness.

The urgency of immediate business opportunities squeezes the time that can be dedicated to increasing sales effectiveness.
Optimising sales effectiveness requires continuous attention. Without dedicated staff, the task of increasing or maintaining sales effectiveness falls to sales leaders.
Outside services that are factored into the cost of sale, generate high levels of return.
SalesSense results are guaranteed:
- All engagements are backed by our satisfaction guarantee. If the required work isn't completed to your satisfaction, you will be entitled to a repeat engagement at no charge or a refund. We guarantee the quality of the work we undertake.
- Independent specialists depend on their ability to continually deliver a high standard of work. Reputation is largely responsible for repeat assignments and new business so we are highly motivated to deliver results.
- Our consultants leverage the full range of our tools and materials. We have developed and tested these resources over decades so you can be sure of accurate analysis, effective interventions, and satisfactory results.
- There is no need to make a full-time commitment. SalesSense consultants can be booked for specific tasks, to complete projects, manage programmes, or to provide a part-time function on an ongoing basis.
- There are no employment overheads. No employee administration, no insurance or tax issues to manage, and no personal equipment such as a laptop or telephone to provide. The only additional costs are agreed out-of-pocket expenses.
- Online learning functionality can be provided via our virtual learning environment, providing a user-friendly learning interface, progress monitoring, progress assessment, and comprehensive reporting. Alternatively, our consultants can build online programmes in your Learning Management System.
The size of the opportunity to increase sales effectiveness is revealed through competitor benchmarks. Average revenue/profit per salesperson or sales value per employee or the expenses to revenue ratio can be derived from public information.
To establish comparisons, select one or two comparable top performers. The larger the organisation the easier it is to find representative data. Point data may be enough to get started. In the longer run it might be important to monitor trends. If your sales performance compares unfavourably with top competitors, there is an opportunity to close the increase sales effectiveness, gaining market share, and improve sales performance.
How SalesSense consultants increase sales effectiveness:
Defining or improving sales process to closely align with commonly held best practices -
- Improves business predictability, increases participation in the customer's buying process, and shortens sales cycles
Defining or improving pipeline management and forecasting frameworks -
- Increases forecast accuracy, improves management control and reduces errors
Developing a pre-qualification criteria -
- Raises productivity, increases conversion rates, and reduces wasted time.
Designing a quantified qualification scoring system -
- Raises productivity, increases conversion rates, and reduces wasted time.
Conducting sales opportunity reviews (deal clinics) -
- Improves conversion rates, provides on-the-job learning, and increases sales.
Knowledge transfer -
- Improves morale, reduces staff churn, and increases loyalty.
Cost justification is easy if maintaining or increasing sales effectiveness is recognised as a cost of sale. In most organisations, the profit from a two or three percent improvement in sales revenue is many times greater than the cost of the necessary outside support.
If you need short-term resources to increase sales effectiveness, we can help. Telephone +44 (0)1392 851500. We will be pleased to discuss your needs, talk through some options, or arrange a free consultation. Alternatively, Send an email to for a prompt reply or use the contact form here.