Book Clive Miller as your next sales speaker.

Clive will speak to demonstrate capabilities, meet potential customers, and address selling challenges. Arrange for a free sales speaker via an online presentation.
Turn an ordinary meeting, conference or sales seminar into a motivational event for no cost other than expenses. Any sales seminar where the audience is captivated by the content, swayed by the speaker's knowledge and delivery, and motivated to act, is a motivational experience. Anyone who achieves these things is a motivational sales speaker.
These days a sales speaker can be remote and still project a presence and interact with the audience. A connected device and a projector are all that is necessary. Using a conference service adds additional dimensions such as shareable documents, recording, audience polls, and question management.
With this approach, you can sample a sales speaker. Have Clive present for just fifteen or thirty minutes, anywhere in the world. Then if you have a need for more, you will know how he delivers.
Hiring a motivational sales speaker needn't be a time-consuming and uncertain project.
Schedule a call with Clive Miller now or telephone +44 (0)1392 851500.
Some of the demons that Clive has addressed as a sales speaker:
The following paragraphs describe twenty-seven demons that commonly plague salespeople. Solutions to a selection of these issues and others can be addressed by our sales speaker in 15 to 30 minutes.
- High hill - If you find yourself complaining that your task is too difficult or your territory too barren, a change of perspective may help. There are ways to raise your game and achieve a challenging target. Takeaways include proven tools, methods, and habits necessary for assaulting a high hill.
- Greenfield - If you are new to selling or a territory or a set of accounts you can be sure that any predecessor has either squeezed out every available sale or abandoned possibilities and left them to evaporate. This is just the way things are. Storm the green field with new low-cost and no-cost strategies and techniques that kick-start new business where it seems non-existent or out of reach.
- Too few enquiries - By far the easiest form of selling is converting enquiries into orders. It may seem that marketing is ineffective, that lead generation is not your responsibility, or that promises are not being met. If you think so, your mindset may be holding you back. Shrug it off with a new set of principles, methods, and habits.
- Reluctance - Many salespeople will do almost anything to avoid picking up the telephone to call strangers and sell them something. It is easy to find other more pressing things to do. If you find yourself justifying your loathing with thoughts like, “It’s a poor use of my time” in any variation then you are cultivating a reluctance that leaches away your potential. Strangle it with irresistible confidence born of absolute certainty.
- Referrals - Satisfied customers, business partners, suppliers, and close contacts are a rich source of leads, introductions, and referrals yet we shy away from asking. If you bypass the chances to mine your network for new opportunities, the potential business will go elsewhere. Instead, build a referral prospecting system that keeps on giving.
- Unwarranted Optimism - When results consistently fall short of forecast, you may be suffering from unwarranted optimism. Get a large dose of realism. Use a quantified assessment method to turn a spotlight on the dark corners. Eliminate opportunities that won't happen, can't be won, or won't be worthwhile and turn around those that will close, can be won, and will be profitable.
- Altitude Sickness - It is certainly more difficult to win the attention of senior people. If executives won’t discuss what you are selling, you need to discuss what they are buying. See through the eyes of senior executives and cross the chasm.
- Don’t Go Around Me - If you find it difficult to obtain access to all of the people who are influential in a decision, then you may have to settle for being treated like a mushroom – kept in the dark and fed manure. There are secret ways to turn around a "don't go around me" objection.
- Murphy’s First Impression - Have you ever made a poor first impression that cost you a sale? Could it happen again? A short checklist can keep complacency at bay.
- Never Heard of You - Armed with the right answers, such a response is music. Defeat anonymity with a sentence or two to turn the table.
- Small Talk - Some people seem to have a knack of finding just the right few words to break the ice. They are always ready to start a conversation when a bleak silence threatens to raise tension. If you ever experience difficulty with this, there are a few easily learnt techniques that banish the experience.
- Babbling Rabbit - You know that you should let the customer do the talking. You have heard it a thousand times. Why then does the babbling rabbit grab you every time someone mentions something that you know a bit about? Turn your listening ratio up with persuasive listening skills and consign the babbling rabbit to its burrow forever.
- I forgot to Ask About That - Have people tell you everything you ought to know and a lot of extra confidential stuff by simply asking better questions. Never have to make another excuse for failing to ask. Use a set of reliable techniques and forget the ‘I forgot to ask about that’ recrimination.
- Bravado - This is a name for the kind of confidence that is more about acting than certainty. Customers can tell when salespeople are making it up as they go. Skipping preparation and homework causes overreliance on bravado. Sooner or later, winging it leads to embarrassment. Frameworks and planners help carry out the necessary forethought, planning, and preparation.
- Money - If the customer hasn't made adequate provision for a purchase, the selling effort is unlikely to result in an order. It is easy to accept customer platitudes like, “Don't worry about the money” and “It won't be a problem”. Companies don’t like spending money. They hire people to make it more difficult to spend company cash. There are ways to ask about money that quickly get at the truth.
- Prevaricating Customer - You ask the right questions and all you get are evasive answers. Sometimes the customer executive turns the table and insists that you answer their questions. Learn to press for the answers you need without making it into a confrontation.
- Gullibility - Customers never lie, do they? If you tend to accept what customer contacts tell you without cross-checking with alternative sources, then you may be guilty of gullibility. In many people's minds, misleading a salesperson is not a sin. Contacts may be genuine in their intent to reassure, despite misleading you. Ways to distinguish facts from narrative and validate data, ward off this vulnerability.
- Tyre Kicker - If you find yourself working on deals that don’t ever close - for you or any competitor, you have given life to a tyre kicker. Use quantified qualification tools to focus on the right issues and know if a sales opportunity is worth pursuing.
- Price is too high If you feel that a high price is an ugly second head that frightens your prospects away then you have the price demon clutching your shoulder. Rip this demon from its perch and trash it under the wheels of a retreating competitor.
- Cheaper Elsewhere - Like 'the price is too high' complaint but more insidious. Customer negotiators use cheaper competitors like a heavy club to strike at the foundation of a seller's confidence. Use a practical step-by-step method to reverse the 'cheaper down the street' objection.
- Form Filling - The management needs to capture the knowledge stored in the heads of successful salespeople to ensure continuity. They need to monitor activities so that they get an early warning if things are going wrong. They need information to help them provide better help and support. Some amount of administration is essential to ensure that customers get what they buy. Use shortcut tools to keep administration under control.
- Competition - “If you know yourself and not your enemy, for every victory you will suffer a defeat. If you know yourself and your enemy then you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know neither yourself nor your enemy then you do not deserve to win a single battle”, wrote Sun Tzu. To put it in modern parlance, if you don't know who your competitors are, you can't know whether you have an acceptable chance of winning. Discover competing solutions, who competitors are talking to, and what they plan to do. Learn to outthink your competition.
- Business Justification - Every product or service has a justification. Marketing people write them up and shout about them so that they can feed their babbling rabbits (see above). If you catch yourself reciting canned justifications, you run the risk of missing the real issues and losing sales. Instead, have the customer make the business case for you.
- Written Word - Salespeople are usually good at face-to-face communication. It is hard to be successful without being someone who inspires confidence, one way or another. Being more action-orientated than average is also an asset. For many otherwise great sellers, the proposal-writing element is a type of communication better left to others. The need for attention to detail makes this task irksome at best and loathsome at worst. Minimise the pain, increase proposal effectiveness, and improve win rates with a unique set of guidelines.
- Black Hole - Once you have submitted a proposal or quotation, the customer stops taking your calls. This does not necessarily mean that you have fallen from favour. It may only mean that they would prefer not to be bothered by your entirely self-centred attempts to hurry the process along. The lack of contact is unsettling because things could be going wrong and without access, there is little that you can do about it. There is a solution to this common difficulty. You can prevent the black hole from forming.
- Empty bottle - You know that you are supposed to ask for the order. You know that salespeople are supposed to be able to bring a sale to an early conclusion. In B2B situations and especially in a complex sale where many people are involved in the decision-making process, it seems as if the closing has a neutral or even negative effect. There seems little opportunity to hurry the process or make a sale happen, except by buying a sale forward. This thinking is a sign of a lurking ‘empty bottle’ fear. There are some closing techniques that work, even in high-value, complex sale situations. You have to supply the bottle.
- Duelling - Sometimes the duel takes place before you know you have won. Sometimes it takes place afterwards. Most customers will attempt to improve their side of a deal through negotiation. The negotiation duel can be very destructive. In B2B sales you have to protect the customer's win while maintaining or even improving the profit in the sale. You have to protect the customer's win even when they play win-don't care or win-lose.
Having a sales speaker deliver a talk during a meeting, provides a way to experience delivery style, get to know the speaker, and assess the value offered. If you need a sales trainer who can motivate an audience of seasoned salespeople to change what they do and adopt new methods and practices, book a trial. Sample Clive's delivery in a virtual meeting space.
If you are looking for a sales speaker to liven up an event, contribute to a sales seminar, or add sales training to a meeting, get in touch. Telephone +44 (0)1392 851500. We will be pleased to learn about your needs and discuss some options. Alternatively, send an email to or use the contact form here.