Overwhelming evidence that regular sales training and coaching increase sales performance.

Since starting SalesSense in 1996 I have conducted a vast amount of reading and research on how to optimise the impact of sales training and coaching. This page lists the pre 2004 documents and references that I have kept.
Commercial Research Papers and Case Studies
Dr Catherine Barker 2001
Return on Training Investment (ROTI)
The Forum Corporation 1998
Sales Effectiveness in World-Class Organisations
Accenture 2003
Running Training Like a Business - Determining the return on investment of your learning programmes.
Novations 2003
Developing and Maintaining a Competitive Career
The Manchester Review 2001
Maximising the Impact of Executive Coaching
What is Coaching
Academic Papers
Behrman, Douglas N., and William D. Perreault, Jr. 1984.
A Role Stress Model of the Performance and Satisfaction of Industrial Salespersons
Brown, Steven P., and Thomas W. Leigh. 1996.
A New Look at Psychological Climate and Its Relationship to Job Involvement, Effort, and Performance.
Butler, John K. Jr.1991.
Toward Understand and Measuring Conditions of Trust: Evolution of a Conditions of Trust Inventory
Comer, Lucette B., and Tanya Drollinger. 1999.
Active Empathetic Listening and Selling Success: A Conceptual Framework
Corcoran, Kevin J., Laura K. Peterson, Daniel B. Baitch, and Mark F.Barrett. 1995.
High-Performance Sales Organizations: Achieving Competitive Advantage in the Global Marketplace
D’Abate, Caroline P., Erik R. Eddy, and Scott I. Tannenbaum. 2003.
What’s in a Name? A Literature-Based Approach to Understanding Mentoring, Coaching, and Other Constructs That Describe Developmental Interactions
Ellinger, Andrea D., and Robert P. Bostrom. 1999.
Managerial Coaching Behaviors in Learning Organizations
Evans, Kenneth R., John L. Schlacter, Roberta J. Schultz, Dwayne D.Gremler, Michael Pass, and William G. Wolfe. 2002.
Salesperson and Sales Manager Perceptions of Salesperson Job Characteristics and Job Outcomes: A Perceptual Congruence Approach
Evered, Roger D., and James C. Selman. 1989.
Coaching and the Art of Management
Graham, Steven, John F. Wedman, and Barbara Garvin-Kester. 1994.
Manager Coaching Skills: What Makes a Good Coach?
Horn, Thelma S. 2002.
Coaching Effectiveness in the Sport Domain.
Jaworski, Bernard J., and Ajay K. Kohli. 1991.
Supervisory Feedback: Alternative Types and Their Impact on Salespeople’s Performance and Satisfaction
Bruce D., R. Stephen Parker, and Charles E. Pettijohn. 2000.
Relationship-Oriented Characteristics and Individual Salesperson Performance
Lassk, Felicia G., Greg W. Marshall, David W. Cravens, and William C. Moncrief. 2001.
Salesperson Job Involvement: A Modern Perspective on a New Scale
Marshall, Greg W., Daniel J. Goebel, and William C. Moncrief. 2003.
Hiring for Success at the Buyer–Seller Interface
Oliver, Richard L., and Erin Anderson. 1994.
An Empirical Test of the Consequences of Behavior-and Outcome-Based Sales ControlSystems.
Orth, Charles D., Harry E. Wilkinson, and Robert C. Benfari. 1987.
The Manager’s Role as Coach and Mentor.
Park, Jeong-Eun, and Betsy B. Holloway. 2003.
Adaptive Selling Behavior Revisited: An Empirical Examination of Learning Orientation, Sales Performance, and Job Satisfaction.
Rich, Gregory A. 1998.
The Constructs of Sales Coaching: Supervisory Feedback, Role Modeling and Trust.
Verbeke, Willem, and Richard P. Bagozzi. 2000.
Sales Call Anxiety: Exploring What It Means When Fear Rules a Sales Encounter.
If you are considering sales training or coaching as a means of increasing performance, raising morale, or resolving issues, let's speak. It cannot harm and might help get things on the right track. Telephone +44 (0)1392 851500, send an email to jimm@salessense.co.uk or use the contact form here.