New ways to widen customer engagement, speak with decision-makers, and handle 'don't go around me' sales objections.

Many salespeople end up with only one strong contact in a customer's organisation. Few such contacts actually instruct a salesperson not to go around them yet it is common to feel as if approaching others will damage the relationship. Treating such concerns as sales objections creates the means to overcome such obstacles.
It is important to communicate with all of the people who will influence a buying decision. If we only work through one contact, we can easily be misled or even lied to. Our single contact may not explain all the facts. He or she may accidentally or otherwise leave out key information.
Suppose you were unwittingly relying on a competitor's champion. Would you know? Could you be confident that he or she was being entirely truthful?
Without more than one source for important information, it is easy to believe mistaken facts or even be deliberately misled.
Another problem with having only one good contact is that we only hear one point of view. Stakeholders rarely agree on a common set of requirements. Sometimes they can't agree on how the decision will be made.
It is essential to understand the different perspectives and positions of those involved in a buying decision. Without it, we cannot be confident of putting forward the most appropriate advantages and benefits.
Here are ten ways to get around, 'Don't go around me' sales objections:
Ask about things beyond the knowledge of the contact.
Seek a 'don't know' response and ask, "Who does?" Then say, "I'll need to speak with them".
Don't make it a choice. If you want to speak with someone with greater technical knowledge, ask a technical question. If you want to gain access to business or financial people, ask a question that only they would know the answer to.
Don't ask, just do it.
It is easier to seek forgiveness than permission. Alternatively, get introduced via another customer contact, a business partner, or someone else in your organisation.
Tell your contact that your boss is insisting that you arrange a senior-level meeting for him.
Then say, "Can I get your help on this?" It is much better for your contact to be involved.
If you still get resistance, indicate that you are under pressure from your manager (which is likely to be true) and that you have to approach the appropriate person, with or without your contact's help.
When told, "It's my job to be the supplier interface"
Say, "I guess it must be an important project if they have assigned you to speak with suppliers. I imagine it is important to you that the solutions you put forward match everybody's needs. It certainly is to me. That's why we make it a point of posing a few questions directly to the people with an interest in the outcome. We have found it leads to a better result for everyone. Could try it out? You can be present and if it doesn't add some value, we can stop."
When they say, "The executives are too busy to speak with salespeople"
Say, "Their time is important and I certainly don't want to waste it. That's why I need your help to get a short meeting with the people involved. If they end up studying a proposal that isn't exactly right, we will be wasting their time. Can we work together on this?"
When they say, "It's our policy"
Say, "Policy is important, particularly when it helps get a better result. I appreciate that you need to get a solution that addresses the issues and gets the desired results. Whether you buy from us or not, I would be letting you down if I didn't make sure that our proposed solution does what you need it to. Can you apply the policy to help us get the right result?
When they say, "Ask me the questions and I'll get you the answers"
Say, "Protecting senior people's time is important. That's why we want to hear from them personally. It's not that we don't trust you to ask the questions. We think it's important to hear the responses directly from the people making the decision because we learn more about the various needs. Where we have been able to do this, the process has uncovered issues that hadn't previously been discussed. Could we set up a meeting to find out if this is true for your situation?
When they say, "I'm not convinced it will be worthwhile"
Say, "We could do it via a telephone conference with you present. How about you choose who we start with? It will only take about twenty minutes. Then if it hasn't added some value, we can stop there. Would this be all right?"
When they say, "It wouldn't be fair if we let you, we will have to let the others have the same access".
Say, "I certainly wouldn't want to be involved in an unfair competition. Getting the best value solution that will deliver the right results is the most important thing. If people don't ask for access, isn't it fair to assume that they don't feel it is necessary? If you give the amount of access that each competitor considers necessary, wouldn't that be fair?
Arrange a demonstration or presentation to attract all of the people involved in the decision.
Ensure that you have sufficient freedom and time to personally introduce yourself to each of the decision influencers. Once you have made contact, it should be easy to engage with them, even if it is ostensibly just to follow up on the presentation.
It is such a common thing in selling to be stumped by lack of access to the people who will decide even though it is in the interests of the decision makers to engage with salespeople. Recruiting the support of intermediaries in the quest for access is the best way to turn around 'don't go around me' sales objections.
Article by Clive Miller
If you are looking for ways to handle sales objections, increase access to decision-makers, or gain more control over customer buying initiatives, we can help, telephone +44 (0)1392 851500. We will be pleased to discuss your needs or talk through some options. Alternatively, send an email to for a prompt reply or use the contact form here.