Develop advocacy skills and communicate value with these on-the-job actions.
Aligned with the Sales Skills Assessment.

- Written communication skills.
- Presentation and public speaking skills.
- Ability to explain and communicate value.
Improve written communications with these actions:
Seek opportunities to practice writing.
Writing is a skill that is developed through doing. Start your own blog. It is easy and free at
Prepare articles and stories for the Company blog or any publication that interests you.
Keep a journal and write in it every day. You can do this on your phone. Numerous free apps serve this function.
Write at least 300 hundred words every day.
Check that what you plan to write for customers is exactly what they are expecting to read.
Agree on what will be in a communication, letter, or proposal before writing it.
Turn on all of the spelling and grammar-checking features of your word-processing software.
Those who don't know you will only have your words to judge you by. Eliminate all of the errors.
Check your work three times; the first time check for grammar; the second time check for spelling accuracy, and the third time check for meaning.
Allow enough time to have someone else check your work.
Write in the active voice.
You will use fewer words and your writing will be more engaging and energetic. Look up 'active voice' online for a fuller explanation. Search online with terms like 'sales letters', 'sales writing', and 'sales proposals'. Then note and use the best tips that you find.
These articles offer further ideas:
Improve presentation and public speaking skills with these actions:
Join a local Toastmasters Club.
If there isn't one near you, start one. You might expect to meet some competent presenters at such a club. In reality, the majority of members are there to improve their public speaking skills.
Seek opportunities to practise.
Even if your job does not call for public speaking or stand-up presentations, volunteering for them anyway. One-to-many presentations provide an opportunity to influence many people in a short space of time.
Be ready to speak on your subjects of expertise at short notice.
Take account of each specific audience.
Familiarise yourself with the background, interests, and needs of the people who will be in the audience and then be prepared to serve them.
Video your practice sessions.
Review your video to make sure that your presentation opening and closing comments are effective. People remember beginnings and endings better than the rest of a presentation.
Be yourself. Speak from the heart.
When you use your natural voice and draw on your passions and enthusiasm, people will recognise and respect your authenticity.
These pages offer further resources and ideas:
Improve ability to communicate value with these actions:
List all of the benefits that customers gain from using or owning what you sell.
Keep developing your list. Think laterally or outside the box. You should be able to list dozens of benefits.
Quantify as many of the listed benefits as possible.
Consider time saved, money made or saved, and percentage improvements in qualitative factors. Note the details of any evidence.
Select the top three benefits and craft a single eloquent sentence that expresses all three together.
Include factual numbers and evidence.
It is worth spending some time to make this sentence succinct and easy to say.
Practice saying your prepared benefits statement.
Record yourself saying it so that you can hear how to improve it. Video yourself saying it so that you can see how to improve it.
These pages offer further resources and ideas:
Get the entire collection of over 100 hyperlinked on-the-job sales skills development actions together with our sales skills assessment in a neat indexed PDF document.
If you need to develop advocacy skills, sales skills, or selling methods; or If you need to start a performance improvement programme, we can help. Telephone +44 (0)1392 851500. We will be pleased to discuss your needs or talk through some options. Alternatively, send an email to for a prompt reply or use the contact form here.