Eleven workplace motivators compared in a sales motivation assessment.

Explore intrinsic motivators of individuals or groups through our unique work motivators workshop. Includes our sales motivation assessment.
Are your salespeople motivated? Money is an extrinsic motivator that quickly runs out of steam while syphoning off the profit. Perhaps surprisingly, the majority of salespeople are not money motivated.
We all need money yet this masks our intrinsic motivations. Intrinsic motivators are the things that drive us from the inside. They are the motivations that guide what we do for ourselves.
People do things for their own reasons. Money isn't intrinsically motivating for most people. If it was, we would all have more of it! Needing money to pay bills is an extrinsic motivator.
Explore your own or your team's intrinsic motivators in a one-hour workshop.
Is your sales job rewarding?
Is work fun or do you just put up with it?
What salespeople do, how they do it, and how much they sell is dependent on motivation.
If you have a sense that things could be better, use our work motivators workshop to recognise the things that drive you. Find your passion and leverage it to get more done.
When managers and team members lay bare their intrinsic motivators teams get more from their work and their work benefits. When work is connected to intrinsic motivators, productivity, job satisfaction, and performance all go up.
If you are in a leadership position, ensuring that everyone is as effective as they can be, is very challenging. Yet if you can have them tackle assignments that are aligned with each person's motivation, then the task becomes easy.
Learn about sales motivation through our unique one-hour workshop.
Available as a one-to-one or group session.
Take the assessment here then arrange a consultation or workshop for making use of what you learn.
Sales Motivation Workshop Benefits:
Identify leading and lagging intrinsic motivators.
Increase sales motivation by connecting it with internal drivers, interests, and passions.
Improve teamwork and team selling activities.
Raise morale and job satisfaction.
Reduce sales staff turnover.
The Right People Doing the Right Jobs
When people spend more time on assignments that need doing, that they like doing, and are good at, things get done at pace.
Recruitment and Selection
Having an understanding of intrinsic motivation aids recruitment selection and reduces hiring mistakes.
Management Development
The ability to motivate is highly prized as a management competence. Most managers don't have the freedom to constantly up the rewards. It is widely acknowledged that the best managers adapt their approach to helping individual team members connect with their intrinsic motivation. This workshop provides a guiding map.
Customer Understanding
Becoming familiar with work motivators helps salespeople understand individuals who fulfil roles for customers. Buying decisions are rarely purely based on business issues. Those making the decisions cannot help tangling their emotional perspective with business imperatives.
If you are looking for a sales motivation assessment, a means to measure motivation or ways to motivate a sales team, get in touch. Telephone +44 (0)1392 851500 for more information. We will be pleased to learn about your needs or talk through some options. Send an email to custserv@salessense.co.uk for a prompt reply or use the contact form here.