Do you have charisma? Can you develop more of it?

The answers to the question posed above are in Tony Alessandra's book. Charisma, according to many people I ask, is something that you either have or don't have. Developing charisma isn't possible. You are born with it or not and there is little you can do about it.
I wholeheartedly agree with Tony's position, that there is a great deal everyone can do to become more charismatic.
Why should you want to? Few can fail to recognise the part it plays in wielding influence and being persuasive. Here is an excerpt from the end of Charisma, chapter 9 :
'A kindergarten teacher asked a student what she was drawing. "I'm drawing a picture of God," the child quickly answered. "But, sweetheart," said the teacher, "no one knows what God looks like."
"They will in a minute!" the child replied."
Charismatic people have a similar, almost childlike faith in their vision and their ability to create change.
Charisma encapsulates so much of what one needs to succeed in sales. In the first chapter, Tony describes his study of the subject, what charisma is all about, and what it will do for you.
I almost always like books that start off with a good WIIFM - What's in it for me.
The seven keys referred to in the title are:
- Sending out your best silent message
- Speaking with authority
- Listening attentively
- Becoming more persuasive
- Using space and time to your advantage
- Maximising your adaptability
- Expanding your vision and ideas
Even if you know what all these are about, there is much to learn from Charisma.
ISBN 0-446-67598-9
Review by Clive Miller
If you are looking for ways to improve sales effectiveness, developing charisma is a practical solutions. For more information telephone +44 (0)1392 851500. We will be pleased to learn about your needs or talk through some options. Alternatively Send email to for a prompt reply or use the contact form here.