How to use our sales performance improvement template.
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If every territory and key account has a credible sales performance improvement plan, performance management becomes straightforward. If leading performance indicators don't track expectations, the plan can be revised or changed.
Sales Performance Improvement Template Guide

βThose that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.β Winston Churchill
Part 1 β Performance History
To begin, record the history of sales in the territory or account for at least the last four measurement periods. The measurement period can be weeks, months, quarters or years. The longer the period of sales history that is recorded, the more reliable the extrapolated projection of the default future can be. If nothing changes and no new initiatives are commenced, the past predicts the future.
Part 2 β Goal/Target Breakdown
In this section of the template, record revenue and profit targets looking forward at least six months. This can reflect the formal target, a stretch target, or personal intent.
Part 3 - Other Performance Assignments
Add any qualitative performance assignments, projects, or objectives in this section.
Part 4 β Likely Sales from Assigned Territories/Accounts
Extrapolate trends represented in Part 1 together with any additional fact-based territory or account intelligence to estimate the likely future sales if nothing changes and no new initiatives are commenced. Indicate what is expected to happen if nothing is done.
Part 5 β Delta (Part 2 target less Part 4 anticipated sales)
Now calculate the gap between the extrapolated performance in Part 4 and the targets recorded in Part 2. Subtract the anticipated default results from the target for each period. Although unusual, the result can be negative. If there is no performance gap, the current business momentum should be enough to achieve the recorded targets in Part 2.
Part 6 - Strategies for Bridging the Gap
Use this section to record strategies for increasing sales performance. It could be as simple as making more calls or as sophisticated as addressing a new market. Beware of committing to many strategies. Attention divided will undermine the effectiveness of all initiatives.
It is usually more effective to brainstorm for performance-boosting ideas in groups. Consider convening a peer group to help generate solutions. Then those managing the territory or account can sort through the results and build on the best ideas to complete Part 6. of the plan.
Part 7 Plan SWOT
Test strategies with a SWOT analysis. Consider strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats associated with each strategy. Strengths and weaknesses are normally introspective - things arise from controllable factors. Opportunities and threats are normally related to the actions of others or events outside immediate control.
Part 8 β Tactics and Actions
Record the tactics and actions that will be necessary to execute each adopted strategy. If the tactics and actions are not obvious, the strategy is weak. Revise or change it.
Tactics and actions must all be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound. SMART.
Review Each Sales Performance Improvement Plan
Conduct plan reviews by convening a meeting with a small group of experts. This usually includes the sales manager and sales director. It might also include other sales experts from inside or outside the organisation. Reviews should be held at least once a quarter.
If you need a sales performance improvement template or want to improve sales skills and methods, we can help. Telephone +44 (0)1392 851500. We will be pleased to discuss your needs or talk through some options. Alternatively, email or use the contact form here.