Posts on LinkedIn offering sales learning and ideas for maximising personal effectiveness.
Everything has to be sold, even good ideas. If you want others to benefit from the things you know, your ideas, and the causes you support you have to sell. Free sales learning is at hand.
Since January 2020 I have been posting regularly on LinkedIn. I share the sales learning and wisdom that I have collected from research and personal experience and invite you to share yours by engaging in a conversation on topics you care about.
There are over 400 posts to date so I have divided the links across four pages:
Sales Insights - The oldest posts including many on culture.
Sales Secrets - The start of the sales brilliance series.
Sales Learning (this page) - Referrals and the sales brilliance series continued.
Sales Help - Includes my study of Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.
Follow or connect with me on LinkedIn to see my posts in your feed.
Never miss a post: Email salesposts@salessense.co.uk for notifications.
Since LinkedIn is a 'happening now' place, I want to provide access to past posts that in a few short days or weeks, are pushed too far down the LinkedIn stack to be seen.
So here are some of my favourite sales learning posts:
Use your browser's search-in-page function to find particular topics.
What does poor service mean to you? See my poll here.
Why do customers change suppliers? See my poll here.
Latest top sales performer interview with Nikola Dabic.
Admirable characteristics of doctors that salespeople should copy - diagnosis.
Admirable characteristics of doctors should salespeople copy - vast knowledge
Is selling a worthy and productive occupation?
Sales brilliance - beliefs about selling
Sales brilliance - market understanding.
How much difference can negotiation make?
Product/Solution/Services knowledge - keeping up.
Product/Solutions/Services knowledge SWOT.
Sales brilliance - knowledge depth
Sales brilliance series continued - product/solution/service knowledge.
What sets top sales performers apart - John Bycroft
Top Salespeople Interviewed - John Bycroft
Make your personality the point of reference.
Personality differences between sellers and buyers.
Personality-led decision shortcuts.
Exploring the personality map - car buying strategies.
Exploring the personality map - how people buy cars.
Exploring the personality map - roles.
Personality characteristics map.
Personality characteristics assessment.
Adapting communication style for personality.
Adaptability in communication.
Adaptability v consistency analysis.
Adaptability v consistency poll.
Changing the world requires tenacity.
Changing the world requires courage.
Salespeople change the world through creativity.
Sellers are leaders - salespeople change the world.
The easiest way to make a valuable contribution.
What is the purpose of selling?
How to get referrals with re-sharable content.
How to get referrals from employees.
How to get referrals from suppliers.
How to get channel partners, agents, and affiliates to sell proactively.
Ways to generate a storm of referrals.
How to get referrals and introductions from people you don't know.
How to turn a recommendation into an introduction.
How to get referrals via a letter or email.
How to get referrals from established customers.
How to get referrals from new customers.
How to get referrals from competitors.
Incentivised referral prospecting.
How to negotiate introductions and referrals.
Behavioural v moral integrity - two different things.
Do you always do what you say you will?
Integrity - what does it really mean?
Never send your first composition.
Write persuasively with the rule of three.
First, put yourself in your reader's shoes.
Improve writing by starting with an outline or list.
Write in the active voice for shorter sentences.
Ways to improve writing - how to write more.
Sales brilliance - next up - writing skills.
Can people be persuaded to do things that they don't want to do?
Which means of persuasion is the most effective?
Leverage reciprocity to persuade.
Leverage interest to persuade.
Persuade through the expectations of others.
Persuade by appealing to a sense of duty.
Persuade by appealing to self-interest.
Sales brilliance - Aristotle on persuasion.
Sales brilliance - becoming more persuasive.
Ways to improve listening and mind-reading - summary.
Set aside review time to get more from your listening.
Listen with patience to hear everything.
Listen with your heart to grasp the feelings that words are built on.
Listen with your nose to grock people's thoughts.
Set aside all judgement to listen with an open mind.
Set aside your comparisons to listen more effectively.
Remember what you want to say when it is your turn to speak.
Mimic and repeat silently to listen with greater attention.
Listen and remember with perfect recollection.
Adopt an expectant state of mind to listen with more attention.
Empty your mind to listen more attentively.
Suspend your agenda to listen more attentively.
Ways to listen with more attention.
Sales brilliance - the next topics and the learning cycle.
Have Clive Miller facilitate or lead an online session on any of the topics or issues raised in these sales learning posts. Call +44 (0)1392 851500 or email jimm@salessense.co.uk for details.