On-the-job actions for sales skills improvement.
Use these pages to select on-the-job actions for sales skills improvement. Take our sales skills assessment to guide selection.

- Follow the links that correlate to strengths that you want to enhance or weaknesses that you want to address.
- Review the development actions and list those you want to make use of.
- Prioritise your list to create an action plan.
Act on the plan immediately to initiate the habit of working on your abilities.
Investing in yourself is the greatest investment that you can make. Your abilities are not affected by luck, circumstances, or outside events.
Sales Skills Improvement Resource
Get the entire collection of over 100 on-the-job learning actions together with the sales skills assessment in one hyperlinked document for £19. Details here.
Expert - Develop Specialist Expertise
- Easy ways to gain in-depth knowledge of products, services, and solutions.
- How to increase the ability to differentiate products, services, and solutions from those of other suppliers.
- What you need to know about customers who make use of the products, services, and solutions sold.
Advocate - Develop the Skills and Habits of Advocacy
- Quickly improve written communication skills.
- Ways to become a star at presentations and public speaking.
- Amplify ability to sell value.
Communicator - Develop Interpersonal Communication Skills
- Enhance listening and mind-reading skills.
- Ask questions that expand minds and reveal secrets.
- Improve cold reading skills.
Mentalist - Develop Non-Verbal Communication Skills
- Create better first impressions.
- Control nonverbal communication.
- Gain rapport, trust, and alignment faster.
Persuader - Develop Persuasiveness
- Have people change their minds or position on anything.
- Obtain willing co-operation and help from anyone.
- Persuade people to do things they do not want to do.
Door Opener - Find and Engage With More Sales Prospects
- Always have enough sales leads and opportunities to achieve a set sales target.
- Easily initiate an authentic sales conversation with new contacts.
- Have professional contacts introduce you to key people.
Qualifier - Decline Opportunities that Won't Happen, Can't be Won, or Wouldn't be Worthwhile
- Qualify prospects without calling them.
- Qualify for the value that you can deliver.
- Know your chances of winning any particular sales opportunity.
Deal Maker - Develop Ability to Make Things Happen
- Discover the customer's preferred choice.
- Change the customer's preferred choice.
- Know when to bring a sale to its natural conclusion.
- Master sales negotiations.
Organiser - Improve Organisation, Efficiency and Effectiveness
- Improve forethought, planning, and preparation.
- Anticipate and prepare for divergence and the unexpected.
- Increase the use of proven processes and frameworks.
Problem Solver - Improve Ability to Solve Problems
- Find solutions to difficult problems.
- Learn effective problem-solving methods and techniques.
- Predict the outcome of events and actions.
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Use this collection of sales skills improvement steps to aid individual self-development or as a basis for coaching. Get the entire collection of over 100 on-the-job learning actions together with the sales skills assessment in one hyperlinked document for £19. Details here.
If you need to develop a sales skill or learn sales skills improvement strategies, get in touch. Telephone +44 (0)1392 851500. Alternatively, send an email to custserv@salessense.co.uk for a prompt reply or use the contact form here.